Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Keeping Score On Capacity Cuts

In case your not keeping score at home, here is a summary of the big-name airline players and their expected cuts in capacity through the end of 2008:

-United Airlines will cut capacity system wide by 12%.
-U.S Airways by 8%.
-American Airlines by 11-12%, including ending all Oakland operations
-Delta Airlines will eliminate up to 13%
-Northwest 9.5%
-Continental 11%
-AirTran 5%
-Frontier Airlines by 17%

With the capacity cuts, many airlines will layoff or offer packages to employees, while airlines such as Midwest and AirTran are implementing pay reductions to certain staff.

Capacity cuts mean consumers can expect to dig deeper into their wallet as fares rise to meet the demand for fewer seats/less capacity.